
About Us

Peace & Humanity Organization works for poor and needy people in order to help them prosper. We aim reduce the suffering and set foundation for a society in which everyone live a better life. We organize free distribution of food and clothes from time to time. At peace & Humanity Organization, we consider every person as part of our family and join hands to eradicate the poverty. Our mission is to create a society where no one sleeps hungry and no one dies of poverty. Come, join us and be a part of better future.

Distribution of Iftaar Boxes by PHO Team

 Alhamdlillah  #PHO_Team" distributed 70+ Iftaar boxes at Sewan High way Road. Those who want to donate please Contact us and be the part of this kind act in this Holy Month Ramdan❤ Thanks to donor, Note Pictures are only captured for donor.. #PHO_Team.

Winter Clothes Distribution Drive 2 by PHO Nawabshah team

Allhamdulillah ❤ Today, once again #PHO NawabShah Team Distributed winter clothes and sweaters to the needy people.  We are very thankful to all those people who contributed their part in making this winter drive possible. Those who want to donate please Contact us. Thank You.

Winter Drive by PHO Shahdadpur Team

Alhamdulillah❤️ P.H.O Shahdadpur Team once again distributed winter clothes among the needy people who lived in huts. They didn't have any thing to protect and keep them warm in this cold winter. We are very thankful to all the people who contributed their part in making this winter drive possible.

Winter Drive by PHO Team

 Alhumdulillah 💓 Today, P.H.O team distributed winter clothes among needy people who lived in huts. They usually don't have anything to keep them warm in this cold winter. We are very thankful to all the people who contributed their part in making this winter drive possible. Those who want to donate in our cause, can contact us directly. Thank You!