
Showing posts from March, 2020

Stay Home Save Lives


Precautionary measures against Coronavirus


Hygiene Camp for Coronavirus Prevention

A camp was organized for corona awareness. Peace and Humanity Organization helped people to wash their hands and stay safe from Coronavirus ~ (PHO Team) علاج کان احتياط بهتر آهي اچو ته ماڻهن کي پيغام ڏيون Our Team worked day and night standing at road side and washed hands of hundreds of people passing by. The team also posted and distributed posters and pamphlets for awareness and precaution instructions.

Please Look after the Needy

وائرس کی وجہ سےکاروبار بند ہورہے ہیں خدارا اپنے آس پاس نظر رکھیں کسی کے بچے بھوکے نا سویئں ایک قوم بننے کا وقت آگیا ہے🙏

An asteroid is rapidly approaching Earth

6 ڪروڙ سال ھڪ ايسٽروء ڌرتي تي ڪرڻ سان ڊائنا سور جي نسل تباهه ٿي چڪي ھئي ــ ناسا تصديق ڪري ڇڏي آهي ته ھڪ مھا وشال ايسٽروء 29 اپريل تي ڌرتي کي تباهه ڪري سگهي ٿو ــ رب اسان گناهه گارن تي شال ٻاجهه ڪري ــ ياد رھي تصديق ناسا ڪئي آهي جنهن کي مذاق يا فالتو نٿو چئي سگھجي

Coronavirus Awareness

Azeemi Press Jamshoro published an article about the efforts of Peace and Humanity Organization in the pandemic situation of Coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan.

Coronavirus Awareness Campaign

A campaign was established in front of LUMHS hospital gate for the awareness of coronavirus. Handbills were also given to people for precautions.

Coronavirus outbreak awareness campaign

A campaign was established in front of LUMHS hospital gate for the awareness of Coronavirus. Handbills were also given to the people for precautions.

Announcement about coronavirus awareness camp

11 مارچ تي اربع واري ڏينھن ڄامشورو لمس ھاسپيٽل جي سامو ڪرونا وائرس جي احتياط جي باري م ڪئمپ لڳائي ويندي ڄامشورو جي عوام کي ۽ سڀني عزيزن کي دعوت ڏني وڃي ٿي ت ضرور شرڪت ڪندا ۽ ڪرونا وائرس جي احتياط جي باري م معولومات وٺندا پاران ۔۔ # PEACE_AND_HUMANITY_ORGANIZATION

Happy Holi to all non-muslim community

Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, originating from the Indian subcontinent. It is celebrated predominantly in India, but has also spread to other areas of Asia and parts of the Western world through the diaspora from the Indian subcontinent. Observances: Festival of Colors

Happy Women's day from Peace and Humanity Organization

Congratulations to all women's on the occasion of International Women's Day, 8th March. A woman can do anything I believe that they can do any critical work easily. They are the real heroins of our life in different roles like mother, sister, wife, daughter & niece. In each relationship they are amazing. ❤️❤️ Happy Women's Day ! 🤱❤

Suggestion for better Education


About Us

Peace & Humanity Organization works for poor and needy people in order to help them prosper. We aim reduce the suffering and set foundation for a society in which everyone live a better life. We organize free distribution of food and clothes from time to time. At peace & Humanity Organization, we consider every person as part of our family and join hands to eradicate the poverty. Our mission is to create a society where no one sleeps hungry and no one dies of poverty. Come, join us and be a part of better future.